Sunday, December 28, 2008

Almost New Years

So I realize I haven't written in a while, holidays get busy and time is a rare commodity. Especially since I made all the gifts for my friends and family this year.
I was sick of the way everyone rushes to the mall to buy tons of things for people who don't need them, and in the process get all bent out of shape and grumpy because there are too many other people in the malls doing the exact same thing. I wanted to go back to a time where Christmas meant something and wasn't just an excuse to spend money. 
My family still spoiled me and bought a lot of things I don't need, but I know their heart was in it and they put thought into whether or not these were things I actually would like, all of which were.  I did get some very nice things, Dad got my a juicer which I don't think will even get turned off anytime soon, and I've been making all sorts of crazy juices! Mom got me an opal necklace I've been eyeing for some time to go with the ring I bought myself with my tax return.

Whiskey, the new pup I got about a month ago, and don't think I've yet written about, had a wonderful Christmas as well. Mom got him a little camo sweater, so all day he wore it and talked about how he was going to bust out his nine. :P (actually we were talking about how he was going to do that.)

Mom had a friend from BC come and stay with her over the holidays, and I was worried about how that was going to affect the dynamic of the Dainton girls, especially with all the recent stress that's been going on, Gerry leaving, Sera's stomach issues, the new pup, but everything turned out a hundred times better than I could have imagined and everyone had a wonderful Christmas, with the exception of Sera laying on the couch in agony for half of it.

I have been very stressed and worried lately for a number of reasons, mostly involving my family. Sera has not been well, and is planning to go to BC to live on a hippie farm. Mom has been unhappy and is planning to go to BC because my grandmother is there... where does that leave me? .... obviously at some point, moving to BC as well... My home has always been where my family is, which is why I have never moved away from London for school or anything else.
I enjoy my job at Novack's, but it being a small company there is really nowhere to go. The benefits are expensive, there is no possibility to transfer or for promotions. It's not a place I can see myself at forever. I would love for my business to take off, but the chances of that happening to the degree it needs to for me to quit the other jobs, is unlikely with how much I'm working the other jobs! I have been thinking more and more about other jobs I think I would like, and be good at, and I have decided that I would certainly not mind being an english teacher. So I think the plan is to go to school in BC, where I can live with mom, (hopefully rent free) for an english BA and then teachers college. 
It's a scary thought, moving halfway across the country to a place I've never been, but it's just as scary to think of being here without my mom and sister. Life has been such a constant thing for me so far, and tho thinks have certainly changed a lot, they have been mostly gradual changes, so maybe it's time I shake things up a bit.

On another note, I have told my lovely friends Luke and Steph that I would help them plan their vegan, ego-friendly wedding, so that has been exciting for me, coming up with ideas to make their wedding fantastic.  (more on this to come later I'm sure)

Well, time to get ready for work now, more soon I promise!

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